Terror in the UK

Driving against your brain

Mollie’s Take Bravely (or foolishly) Ryan opted to rent a car for our Scottish adventure, and took full responsibility for driving it the entire time. It might have been easier, but to save money, he opted for a manual transmission… in the UK- where you both drive on the left hand side and change gears with your left hand. Oh, and the turn signal is also still on the left. [Read More]

First Impressions of Buenos Aires

I have been enjoying my first few days in Buenos Aires immensely. We’ve been doing a fair bit of walking around the local neighborhood (Belgrano), mostly to coffee shops. We did spend one day in the car with Ryan’s aunt in San Isidro and one day by car in Palmero, Recoleta, and Almagro. I will get better pictures later but here are a few to whet your appetite: Palace of the Argentine National Congress [Read More]

Dulce de Leche

...on everything

I had heard tons about dulce de leche before ever making it to Argentina because of Ryan and his obsession with all things sweet. It was still severely underrated. For those of you who have never been lucky enough to try Argentine dulce de leche, it’s similar to caramel but 1000x better. Take sweetened milk, heat slowly, and voila! (via the Maillard reaction) you get this delicious, creamy, thick condiment to put on toast, cookies, fruit, or to have in lattes, ice cream, etc. [Read More]